We are proud to share with you the results of a comprehensive exercise to map the global carbon footprint of all Micro Matic Group Companies, and the pathway forward to reduce our emissions. We cannot do it alone, and we invite all stakeholders to join us on a collective quest towards a greener future, together.”

The threat that the world faces because of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere has never been seen in such levels before. Companies from all industries are called upon as positive change agents to help combat climate change.

Micro Matic as the global market leader in the supply of keg couplers, keg spears and dispensing solutions, have a special responsibility to set the direction of the market and pioneer change across the industry. Micro Matic’s customers, investors and other stakeholders are also requiring greater corporate disclosure of greenhouse gas information along with credible reduction targets and commitments to act.

We are taking that responsibility seriously and putting action behind the words. We want to be an active part of the solution and are eager to do our best to drive the change necessary to transition the industry.
That is why we have started the journey of accounting for our greenhouse gas emissions across the value chain and have committed to set science-based targets (SBT’s) aligned with the Paris Agreement’s goal of a 1.5ºC trajectory. We are proud to have included all Micro Matic affiliates in our carbon footprint calculations.

We invite all stakeholders to join us in our efforts to drive meaningful change in the industry – to the benefit of us all.

​​​​​​​Micro Matic

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Best in class

Towards a better future

MICRO matic Quality Policy

  • We will be recognized as the organization in the world which cares most about beverage dispense.
  • We will deliver innovative, safe products and new solutions in high quality to the global beverage market.
  • We will ensure that our products and services always meet customer and regulatory requirements.
  • We will strive to be the best in class on quality and delivery performance. We will, through training, education, and information, ensure that our employees work consistently in accordance with our business plans and quality management system to support the quality goals.
  • We will develop and continuously improve our quality management system to support the daily business in the optimal way.
  • We will manage our internal production, by ongoing implementation of statistical process control and critical control points on relevant processes and continuous optimization of our production equipment.
  • We will ensure the quality of sub supplied parts, by entering into strategic cooperation with selected suppliers and regularly audit their performance against Micro Matic A/S procedures.​​​​​​​

    MICRO matic Environmental Policy

    At Micro Matic we commit ourselves to following national and international environmental legislation. We care about the environment and take pride in powering sustainability, both within the organisation and beyond.

    Our commitments are reflected in our Code of Conduct, procedures and policies.

    • We will in product development ensure that environmental evaluations are made of choice of raw materials, processes, products, and disposal, to minimize possible negative environmental impacts.
    • We will continuously monitor the consumption of resources and aim to reduce the impact of environmentally damaging resources.
    • We will, through effective management and the internal environmental organization, ensure that our employees are involved and motivated to minimize risks on safety, health and the surrounding environment, and to reduce resource consumption.
    • We will comply with compliance obligations, as well as allow our policy to be available to interested parties upon request.
    • We will protect the environment and prevent pollution and we will continuously improve the environmental management system in order to improve environmental performance.
    • We will improve our environmental impact by ensuring that environmental issues can be addressed in an open and positive atmosphere, with the internal environmental organization and external bodies.
    • Continuous improvements will be reflected in our business and strategic plans,
      with due consideration to the impact on the financial capability of Micro Matic.

    Download certificates:

    ISO 9001 Certificate (SGS)
    ISO 14001 Certificate (SGS)
    Authorisation Certificate (BAM)
    Kontrolrapport (Fødevare-styrelsen)

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