We are nothing without our employees
To ensure the highest quality possible and stay market leader, Micro Matic places high value on its employees. At Micro Matic, we are well aware of the importance of good, loyal, and innovative employees who execute our mission and vision to ensure our position.

To maintain a good working environment and great employees, we know what we must do. We have to show our appreciation and recognize the importance of a healthy workplace as well as a healthy work-life balance.

Above all else, we want Micro Matic to be inclusive so that everyone has a sense of belonging, an equal opportunity to contribute, and can be themselves at work every day. We enforce respect between colleagues and from the management, whom we expect to be role models in inclusive behaviours - intentionally and sincerely.

As the lines between our work and personal lives have become increasingly blurred by the rise of interest in the wellbeing of our employees, it has become apparent that each of us has unique circumstances that we are constantly seeking to balance. The better we can recognise and embrace these differences as a company and support understanding approaches to work, the more inclusive we will be for current and future employees.

The importance of listening
Another crucial part of a sustainable workplace is our collective and individual ability to listen to each other. In Micro Matic, we’re finding new ways to provide under-represented colleagues with a voice. Conversations about inclusion, diversity, equity, and belonging can sometimes be challenging but remain something we enforce.
By listening to our employees, we allow them to share and discuss ideas for how we can evolve our organizational culture, workplace, alongside products and procedures.

Listening to understand is a key component - if we are not willing to listen, we will never understand.

Our ambitions

sustainable employment